Healthy Topics, Living Healthy

Which Red Wine Is Good For Health?

Moderate consumption of red wine is good for health. Alcohol and certain compounds found in red wine known as antioxidants may help prevent coronary artery disease, the condition that causes heart attacks.

We don’t fully understand any associations between red wine and fewer heart attacks. However, red wine’s antioxidants may also boost levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good” cholesterol, and defend against cholesterol buildup, which could contribute to the benefit.

In particular, if you have a family history of alcohol use disorder, medical professionals do not advise starting to drink alcohol for heart benefits. Alcohol abuse can harm the body in a number of ways.

However, if you already enjoy a glass of red wine with your dinner, doing so in moderation may benefit your heart health.

How Does Red Wine Benefit Heart Health?

The heart’s blood vessel lining may benefit from protection provided by polyphenols, which are antioxidants found in red wine. Red wine contains resveratrol, a polyphenol that has drawn attention for its potential health advantages.

Resveratrol In Red Wine

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, also referred to as “bad” cholesterol, may be reduced by resveratrol, and blood clots may also be avoided.

Research on resveratrol, however, is inconsistent. Resveratrol may be associated with a decreased risk of blood clotting and inflammation, which may reduce the risk of heart disease, according to some research. Other research, however, did not support resveratrol’s role in the prevention of heart disease.

If resveratrol reduces the risk of inflammation and blood clotting, further study is required.

Resveratrol In Grapes, Supplements And Other Foods

Red wine’s resveratrol is derived from the skin of the wine-making grapes. Red wine has more resveratrol than white wine because red wine is fermented with grape skins for a longer period of time.

It may be possible to obtain resveratrol without consuming alcohol by merely eating or drinking grapes. Some of the heart-healthy advantages of red wine may also apply to red and purple grape juices.

Reservatrol is also present in cranberries, blueberries, and peanuts. It is not yet known how beneficial red wine consumption compared to eating grapes or other foods might be for promoting heart health. Resveratrol concentrations in food and red wine can differ significantly.

Supplements with resveratrol are additionally offered. The body can’t likely absorb most of the resveratrol in supplements, according to research, and side effects are uncertain. See more about Is Oat Or Oatmeal Good For Gut Health?

Why Is Red Wine Healthy?

A glass of red wine offers more than just a few sips of happiness. Each glass of red wine contains a complex mixture of phytonutrients, or plant chemicals, that your body needs to function at its best, even though the warm sensations, palate-popping notes, and earthy richness are sufficient to justify one or two glasses.

We can pinpoint exactly what it is about red wine that makes it so healthy thanks to some particular phytochemical types. The following plant-based, beneficial substances can be found in a glass of red wine.


The substances known as antioxidants balance or combat free radicals in your body. Free radicals are an inevitable part of life. In response to factors like smoke, pollution, exercise, and regular immune system operations, your body naturally produces them. By preventing oxidative stress, which happens when free radicals become out of control and start harming your body, antioxidants help keep these free radicals in check. Oxidative stress can cause cataracts, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and other serious health issues.

It’s important to regularly consume antioxidants through foods like fruits, vegetables, tea, cocoa, and whole grains, even though you can produce some of them on your own. Red wines may help your body control free radicals by containing antioxidant substances. See more about What Are The Three Keys To Good Health?


The seeds and skins of the grapes themselves are where wine flavonoids are formed. Since they make up the majority of the antioxidants in red wines, they are the undisputed champions of their host of health advantages.

High concentrations of the anti-oxidant flavonoid resveratrol can be found in the healthiest red wines. The skin of grapes and berries contains the highest concentrations of resveratrol, which explains why a five-ounce glass of red wine provides many of the benefits it does in addition to having a great taste. Angiogenesis is a biological process that can become unbalanced, and resveratrol can help regulate it. In autoimmune diseases and cancer, excessive angiogenesis may be a factor. Diabetes has been linked to an inadequate amount.

Along with resveratrol, anthocyanins, catechins, and quercetin are other flavonoids found in red wine that are particularly beneficial to health. No, you won’t be asked to recall these compounds’ names later.

Additional advantages of flavonoids for the body and mind include:

  • Reduced risk of obesity
  • Improved working memory
  • Reduced symptoms of depression
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Improved insulin sensitivity


The list of benefits of drinking red wine should also include polyphenols. Polyphenols are one of the main flavonoids in the liquid and have been studied both in the lab and in real-world studies for their ability to reduce inflammation. They are a fascinating nutrient that also contributes to better artery function, lower cholesterol, and a lower risk of platelet clumps. Red wine has a higher polyphenol concentration than other alcoholic beverages. Additionally, you can find them in dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% and in spices like star anise and cloves. To get the most polyphenol power from your next glass of red wine, indulge in an extra dark chocolate bar.

Red Wine

The Health Benefits Of Red Wine

Putting terminology aside, what exactly makes red wine healthy? How does it affect you both immediately and over the long term? What happens inside the body? When it comes to the question of what red wine’s health advantages are, research has much to say:

  • increases cardiovascular fitness Red wine’s connection to the heart and general cardiovascular advantages are at the top of the list of its health advantages. The polyphenols, resveratrol, and quercetin compounds in most red wines are especially beneficial for people with high blood pressure and high “bad” cholesterol. These substances work together to form a team of agents that fight plaque buildup, prevent bad cholesterol from compounding, and promote the reserve of “good” cholesterol. In particular, the wine flavonoid quercetin can lower blood pressure by assisting in artery relaxation and mitigating cell stress.
  • drugs that reduce inflammation Numerous widespread health issues are plagued by chronic inflammation. Inappropriate inflammation can seriously harm many different body systems, ranging from autoimmune diseases and blood clots to arthritis and GI tract disorders. Resveratrol, an antioxidant with anti-inflammation properties, is one of red wine’s chemical constituents that is most prevalent. It enables immune cells to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy cells and deregulates our body’s normal inflammatory responses.
  • balances blood sugar: It has been demonstrated that the resveratrol compounds present in red wines reduce post-meal blood sugar levels and protect against diabetes by preventing insulin resistance and related metabolic disorders. Adults with Type 2 diabetes have a two to four times higher risk of developing cardiovascular problems or heart disease due to their unbalanced insulin production. When considering diet-based diabetes treatments, moderate consumption of high-quality red wine during meals may be a welcome addition. After all, diet is the primary factor in managing diabetes and blood sugar levels.
  • strengthens the microbiome: The term “gut microbiome” refers to the collection of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that inhabit your body and serve as an organ type. According to studies, drinking one glass of red wine per week may broaden the variety of beneficial bacteria in your microbiome. The right balance of good and bad microbes is crucial because an unhealthy microbiome can result in weight gain, high cholesterol, and weakened immune function.
  • decreases the risk of certain cancers: The chemical substances known as antioxidants, which fight off cell-damaging free radicals and strengthen our immune systems, are abundant in red wine. Resveratrol, an anti-inflammatory and insulin-regulating antioxidant, also supports a number of immune functions, from enhancing the effects of vitamin D to promoting the expression of specific immune-enhancing genes. Resveratrol also inhibits the growth and spread of tumor cells, which are the foundation of cancer.
  • lowers cognitive impairment The daily recommended serving of red wine may also have some neuroprotective advantages. In addition to preventing diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia, neuroprotective activities have been shown to maintain long-term mental acuity and sharpness. According to studies, eating a well-balanced Mediterranean diet, which includes plenty of fresh fish, vegetables, legumes, and olive oils, lowers your risk of cognitive decline and improves your ability to concentrate and retain information.
  • prevents obesity and maintains a healthy weight: Red wine has been connected with lowering the capacity for fat cells to grow and produce in their early stages because it contains a chemical substance called piceatannol. Piceatannol prevents these developing fat cells from binding with your body’s insulin, which prevents fat cells from properly signaling the beginning of their growth cycles. Piceatannol can also stop some gene reactions that, when activated, result in the formation and storage of fat all over your body.
  • positive mental health is encouraged: In addition to supporting sound social and mental health, a glass of red wine can make a significant contribution. For instance, having a glass of wine with friends can help people defuse social tensions and some anxiety. According to studies, people who regularly partake in social drinking with friends are more likely to have a robust, active social network in their neighborhood. In addition to keeping the conversation within smaller groups, most social drinkers who enjoy a glass of wine together also have a tendency to keep it that way, encouraging better group conversation. Fighting physical and mental illnesses requires socialization on a deep level.

Which Red Wine Is Good For Health?

We’ve all heard that red wine has a few health advantages, but how much of a difference does the wine you choose actually have on your overall wellbeing? In actuality, it often matters quite a bit. We now have a better understanding of some of the good things found in our wine and which grapes have the highest quantities as more and more research is being done. Wine is undoubtedly not created equal when it comes to the health benefits that it offers.

We’ve created a guide to assist you in making a decision if you want to enjoy your next glass of wine with a little health boost. The top five red wines for your body, in order of healthiness:

Pinot Noir

You might be surprised to learn that Pinot Noir has won the title of “healthiest wine,” but there is actually one specific grape that has taken the top spot. Pinot Noir is at the top of its game, despite the fact that red wines in general are thought to be healthier than white wines. The reason is that, out of all wine grapes, the Pinot Noir variety has been found to have the highest concentrations of resveratrol.

Resveratrol, an antioxidant compound that has been shown to lower blood pressure and lower bad cholesterol, is the reason wine gained its healthy reputation in the first place. Furthermore, some studies even claim that this specific antioxidant can increase insulin sensitivity and brain health, both of which can lengthen lifespan.

Furthermore, Pinot Noir’s production differs from that of other red wines, resulting in a lower sugar content and fewer calories. This is the final plus point for Pinot Noir.


In addition to Pinot Noir and Merlot, Cabernet or pretty much any other dry red also rates very highly in terms of health. They all have resveratrol concentrations that are comparatively high while also maintaining low blood sugar levels. You can be confident that your decision to choose a Cabernet over a Pinot is still one that promotes your health.


Even though no other grape can compete with Pinot Noir for the top spot, Merlot lovers are also in luck. It has been discovered to contain high levels of resveratrol, so you continue to benefit from the heart-healthy properties. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, resveratrol has also been shown to slow down age-related cognitive decline. For the same reason, it has also been linked to reducing joint pain and even cancer cell growth.

Petite Sirah

Shirazes, also known as sirahs, combine a unique blend of fruity sweetness, dark licorice notes, and peppery currants. Their compact grapes on the vines, which have been bred for compactness since their inception, are the source of this unique flavor.

Although their name might imply otherwise, petite sirahs produce a significant amount of natural tannins. These tannins, which are also rich in the anti-oxidants thiol and resveratrol, give petite sirahs their distinctively hardy and dense flavor. The heart-healthy and beneficial procyanidin compounds required for red wine’s cardiovascular and metabolic effects can also be found in petite sirahs. Overall, they’re simple to locate, affordable to purchase, and a solid high-five for your heart.


Rosé wine still contains some of the advantageous antioxidants mentioned above, though not quite on par with red wine in terms of health advantages. Red grapes are still used to make rosé, though it is produced differently than other red wines. Despite the fact that the skin has less time to transfer antioxidants during the wine-making process, red wine is still preferred to white wine in terms of its health advantages.


Even among wine connoisseurs, this red wine variety with Italian origins is still a little known and underappreciated regional specialty. Perhaps Barbera would be more prevalent on dinner table spreads if its health benefits were better known.

Barbera grape blends work best when aged in oak barrels to soften and round out its bright notes because, if left untreated, they frequently have a high, almost pucker-worthy acidity. In addition, Barbera wines are among the healthiest red wines available because of this aging. According to research, resveratrol grape concentrations are increased by cooler ripening and fermentation techniques, like those used with this particular grape variety in northern Italian regions. In addition, it has been demonstrated that the elevations at which Barbera grapes flourish produce higher and more concentrated levels of resveratrol than even the same grapes grown at lower elevations.

The rich, healthy soil in areas that produce a lot of Barbera contributes further to the wine’s distinctive flavor. Numerous Barbera wines are blended using grapes and accent berries that have higher resveratrol concentrations thanks to highly calcareous soil.

In fact, compared to neutral and non-calcareous soil, a five-ounce recommended pour of a Barbera wine fermented in cool temperatures and grown in these soils can have higher resveratrol concentrations. Only a few malbecs and pinot noirs can match these concentrations.

No Sweet Wines

White wines that are too sweet, like Moscato or sweet Rieslings, should never be consumed if you want to reap the health benefits of wine. Antioxidants and sugar levels in these wines are both extremely high. Sugar is synonymous with carbohydrates, so they are also probably to blame for weight gain. Don’t fool yourself about the health advantages if you truly adore sweet white wine; it is certainly acceptable to indulge occasionally.

Where Can I Find Healthy Red Wines?

The best red wines can be found without a huge budget or a personal sommelier. Finding the healthiest red wines to purchase only requires a little research, lots of curiosity, and taste-testing.

  • Don’t be afraid to try new things: Experiment with unfamiliar names and brands. The fact that there are numerous red grape varieties on the market, vineyards exist to care for them, and there is a long history supporting all of this is all for a reason. When it comes to red wines, you don’t have to compromise your health for habit.
  • Select smaller wineries and brands: Smaller vineyards frequently lack mass production equipment and methods, and some focus on ensuring that their wines contain all those intricate and advantageous polyphenols, flavonoids, and antioxidants.
  • Ask an expert: A wine expert who takes pride and an interest in knowing the ins and outs of their products can be easily found at your neighborhood spirits retailer. Inquire about the red wines on the menu or in the display at restaurants, wineries, or even local tourist shops. They most likely have a purpose for being there.


There are many advantages to drinking a glass of red wine each day, as this article has demonstrated. It’s practically customary to have a glass of red wine once a day in many parts of the world. The key is to make sure you’re drinking moderately so you can reap the benefits without going overboard and experiencing some of alcohol’s more detrimental effects.

Drinking more than one serving per day over time raises your risk for high blood pressure, weight gain, and heart problems, among other problems. Additionally, it might increase your propensity to act riskily and make bad choices, like drinking and driving.