Healthy Topics

What Is A TPP? In Bank & Health

First, what is a TPP?

Licensed online service providers have been made available as part of Open Banking and are referred to as “Third Party Providers.” Although they do not have any connection to your bank, they might be involved in the online transactions you conduct.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) receives information about the drug development process from a key document known as the Target Product Profile (TPP).

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What Is A TPP (Third Party Provider)?

TPP is short for Third Party Provider. A TPP is a company that collaborates with a bank to offer customers services, as suggested by the name.

In a conventional relationship with a bank, the customer would deal directly with the bank. When using a TPP, the customer first engages the TPP, which then engages the bank.

Interaction between the bank and the customer is facilitated by open banking third party providers. Instead of speaking directly with the bank as is customary, customers who use TPPs speak with their TPP, who then speaks with the bank. It serves as a sort of liaison as a result.

TPPs come in two varieties and provide different services: both Payment Initiator Service Providers (PISP) and Account Information Service Providers (AISP).

When gaining access to customer data, AISPs act on behalf of the bank. Although they have permission to view bank account information, they are not allowed to make payments or initiate transfers. For instance, credit bureaus may use AISPs to investigate a client’s credit history and creditworthiness.

PISPs, on the other hand, carry out payment initiating actions on behalf of a consumer. A PISP allows you to carry out online payments without the need for credit or debit card details.

TPP (Third Party Provider) Types

There are two categories of third party providers (TPPs):

  • Payment Initiation Service Provider is referred to as PISP.
  • Account Information Service Provider, or AISP.

Online purchases can be made using a PISP without providing credit or debit card information. Only if the appropriate permissions have been established through Bankline by your Bankline Administrator can your Bankline users actually make these payments. All current Bankline payment restrictions, including Smartcard authorisation, will still be in place.

Within Bankline we’ll refer to these as ‘Third Party Provider payments’.

An AISP is an online service provider that has been granted permission by a Bankline user for a specific time period to view certain information from your account, including balances and transactions. Because of this, an AISP might be able to give you a consolidated view of your accounts from various banks. Again, your Bankline users can only consent to the sharing of account information if your Bankline Administrator has configured the necessary permissions through Bankline.

What Is A TPP In Bank & Health
What Is A TPP? In Bank & Health

What Is A TPP In Health?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) receives information about the drug development process from a key document known as the Target Product Profile (TPP). A TPP’s goal is to guarantee that a manufacturer’s drug development process is effective and provides all the necessary pertinent medical, technical, and scientific data for assessing the drug’s commercial success. It gives the drug’s overall purpose as well as its current state throughout the course of its development. The TPP has traditionally served as a forum for dialogue between the manufacturer and the FDA.

Sections Of A TPP (Target Product Profile)

A TPP typically includes the sections listed below:

  • Usage information and indications
  • Administration of dosage
  • Dosage forms and the strength of the drug
  • Contraindications, if any
  • Precautionary warnings
  • Adverse reactions and drug interactions/abuse
  • Information about overdose
  • Description of various aspects of the drug
  • Clinical pharmacology and nonclinical toxicology
  • Clinical studies
  • References
  • Information regarding storage and handling and how it should be supplied
  • Information about patient counseling

How To Create A TPP (Target Product Profile)?

1. When drafting a TPP, each section must be properly filled out and include all necessary data pertaining to the various stages of drug development. The TPP ought to address all matters and questions that need to be answered. Each section must include the following recommendations:

  • Target – Includes the labeling language that is intended to be achieved based on the studies mentioned
  • Annotations – Includes information related to the completed or planned studies
  • Comments – Includes further information which can be useful for the communication

2. Updates to the milestone box, which is found at the top of the TPP, are required from manufacturers.
3. When necessary, the TPP should be updated with information that has been highlighted. The final labeling debate can use the TPP once it has been put into practice. See more about What Is Carbon Health?

Benefits Of A TPP (Target Product Profile)

  • Serves as a strategic tool for the manufacturers
  • Communication tool between the manufacturer and the health authorities as well as the stakeholders
  • Helps in assessing the progress of the drug development process
  • Helps in preventing failures at a later stage of development
  • Provides a clear picture of the outcome of the process

The End

What a TPP is was the article’s main subject. The post focused on two kinds of TPP, one in bank (Third Party Provider), the other in health (Target Product Profile).

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