Living Healthy

What Can An Individual Do To Further Public Health? All You Want To Know

Ever since COVID-19 broke out globally, public health has been under a bright spotlight. We find ourselves turning to governments and experts for guidance as the world tries to make its way through the pandemic. Must we remain at home? When ought we to go to the doctor? Are we permitted to see our loved ones in person? It’s simple to assume that public health problems are the domain of institutions, authorities, and wealthy individuals during these trying times.

What can an individual do to further public health? An individual can get vaccinated, become a certified personal trainer, donate to health-related charities, share news based on evidence…

Please read on.

What Is Public Health?

People’s health, as well as the health of the neighborhoods where they live, learn, work, and play, is promoted and protected by public health.

We in public health work to stop people from becoming ill or injured in the first place, as opposed to treating people who are already ill. Additionally, we support healthy behaviors to promote wellness.

People in the field of public health work to ensure the conditions necessary for people to be healthy, from conducting scientific research to providing health education. In order to stop the spread of illness, that may entail immunizing both children and adults. or informing people of the dangers associated with alcohol and tobacco. In order to protect workers, public health establishes safety regulations. Additionally, it creates school nutrition initiatives to guarantee that children have access to nutritious food.

Tracking disease outbreaks, preventing accidents, and shedding light on why some of us are more likely to experience poor health than others are all goals of public health. The many facets of public health include advocating for legislation that supports seatbelt use and smoke-free indoor air, spreading awareness of healthy lifestyle choices, and providing problem-solving approaches based on science.

Saving money, enhancing our quality of life, promoting child development, and lessening suffering among people are all benefits of public health.

Some examples of the many fields of public health:

  • First responders
  • Restaurant inspectors
  • Health educators
  • Scientists and researchers
  • Nutritionists
  • Community planners
  • Social workers
  • Epidemiologists
  • Public health physicians
  • Public health nurses
  • Occupational health and safety professionals
  • Public policymakers
  • Sanitarians

What Can An Individual Do To Further Public Health?

Stay Healthy

Eat a balanced diet and exercise. Spend time with those you care about. You encourage others to practice self-care by looking after yourself. Additionally, maintaining good health reduces your risk of getting sick and spreading disease. The bonus? You look good and feel good.

Get Vaccinated

Vaccines have been called the most significant advancement in public health in human history. Sadly, in some regions of the world, there has been an increase in false information and a decline in people’s trust in vaccines. That has led to the recent emergence of anti-vaccination sentiments.

However, every piece of false information is just that—false. We can enjoy healthy lives free of some of the worst infectious diseases on the planet because of vaccines, which have prevented at least 10 million deaths between 2010 and 2015 AND shielded millions more from severely crippling illnesses like polio, measles, and pneumonia. 2

By getting vaccinated, you defend not only yourself but also those around you. To find out if you need to get the annual flu shot, check with your doctor. Also, depending on your age or health condition, you may be due for vaccines that can prevent life-threatening conditions such as pneumococcal pneumonia.3

Are you visiting a new nation? Depending on the country you’re visiting, you might need particular vaccinations. The ones for Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Tetanus, and Yellow Fever are just a few of them. Pre-travel vaccinations help to protect both you and the locals in the country you’re visiting. This website provides tips for maintaining your health while traveling.

After receiving the vaccination, your risk of contracting the illness AND then passing it on to another person is reduced. It’s one of the simplest ways to prevent illness in both yourself and other people.

Pursue A STEM PhD

Engaging in scientific research that advances our understanding of and ability to improve human health is one of the most significant ways an individual can improve the health of their society. This kind of research is needed to pursue a PhD in a scientific field like nutritional biochemistry.

Many of Illuminate Health’s research-based articles include references to medical studies; without this vital research, it would be challenging for patients and healthcare professionals to make educated decisions about treatment, diet, and supplementation.

For instance, we have just now realized the significance of the microbiome to every aspect of human health. Even more recently, researchers have discovered that the condition of our guts affects how we feel mentally. This finding may soon pave the way for safer and more effective mental health treatments.

Become A Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)

Globally industrialized societies are becoming more obese, and exercise knowledge is generally lacking. By assisting your clients in getting in shape, you can have a direct impact on their lives by becoming a CPT.

Given how many consumers get their exercise routines from YouTube and other online platforms, this line of work is particularly crucial. Many beginning athletes put themselves at greater risk of harm because they are unaware of how hazardous certain weightlifting exercises can be without proper technique and training.

Contrary to trying to do it on their own, clients of CPTs have a lower risk of injury while gaining muscle and losing fat.

Donate To Health-related Charities

Contributing to organizations that work in the field is one of the simplest ways to directly improve public health. Before making a donation, we advise using CharityNavigator because it evaluates charities according to the proportion of money donated to them that actually benefits the cause.

Numerous charities that focus on public health exist. Some fund scientific research that can help society as a whole, while others work in the field of addiction rehabilitation.

Whatever your interest, finding a charity that shares it and making a donation are both time-effective ways to promote public health and a great choice for those with extra money.

Combat Misinformation Online

Due to the ease with which anyone can express their opinions online, false information on a variety of health topics has proliferated. Additionally, the proliferation of businesses selling products with no support for their efficacy is permitted, something we work to stop.

For instance, in our Prevagen Review, we cite scientific research to support our assertions that the well-known memory pills are not even remotely likely to be effective and that their marketing claims are untrue.

Anyone can conduct their own research and contribute to the fight against false information online. There is a need for well-cited information debunking false information, whether it comes from a family member recommending an ineffective supplement on Facebook or a well-read blog endorsing unconventional medical theories like homeopathy.


However, anyone can volunteer and contribute to the health of their neighborhood with just a little time and effort. The majority of the methods we’ve so far listed required knowledge or resources.

It might involve serving nutritious meals at a food bank, working on a community farm to provide food, or even joining a group that visits senior centers and interacts with the residents to improve their mental health.

There are so many fantastic opportunities for volunteering, and studies in medicine have shown that it actually improves the health of the volunteer.

Routinely Wash Your Hands

There is no simpler situation than this. Although this cliche has been repeated endlessly, sometimes keeping things straightforward is the best course of action when trying to save lives. We constantly spread germs between each other through the surfaces we touch and the hands we shake. Unfortunately, research indicates that we have an unhealthy obsession with touching our own faces. When we touch our faces, germs that cause disease may enter our bodies through our eyes, noses, or mouths. This is how we can get sick.

Simply put, everyone should wash their hands. The simplest and most cost-effective way to avoid getting sick and spreading infection is to practice good hygiene. It’s also the most monotonous method. However, that is what makes it so gorgeously straightforward. 5

Become An Organ Donor

The only chance of recovery for those whose organs have failed is typically an organ transplant. Nevertheless, they must be added to a waiting list, which means that they can only receive an organ transplant when a donor organ is available. An organ donation is simply transformed into a gift of life in their eyes. By signing up as a donor, you not only increase the likelihood that someone will receive treatment, but you are also giving them the gift of hope and life. The kidneys, liver, heart, and corneas may be donated for transplantation in Singapore as a registered donor in the event of death.

One deceased donor can improve and save more than 100 lives through tissue donation, and they can save up to eight lives by donating their organs. The small intestine, liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, and other organs can all be donated after a person passes away. Veins, heart valves, tendons, ligaments, corneas, skin, and bones are examples of tissues.

Typically, donations are made in the event of your passing. You do not, however, need to wait to donate until you pass away. A healthy person can donate a kidney, as well as a portion of their liver, lung, intestine, blood, or bone marrow, to become a “living donor.”

Do you have an organ donor card? If not, think about doing so. It is one of the simplest (and most satisfying) ways to improve public health.

Get Educated

There are numerous ways to learn about public health. Reading public health comics is a good way to get a good laugh while learning about the experiences of patients and medical staff.

Public health-related videos on YouTube are frequently produced by many different channels and are of high quality, interest, and aesthetic appeal. Here is a great video that walks you through the science in order to address the debates surrounding milk and whether it is actually healthy for us.

Here’s another excellent article that examines what happens to your body when you sit all day. This brief but thorough video explains the hidden dangers of sitting and why it might replace smoking.

Share News Based On Evidence

Some have termed all the health misinformation going around an “infodemic”.9 We have seen how COVID-19 misinformation about the unproven use of certain medications, like hydroxychloroquine or alcohol, has poisoned or even killed uninformed users. As a result, health misinformation should be taken seriously because the wrong advice literally can kill you10.

Consider the last time you told your loved ones about an article you read. You most likely intended to encourage them to follow a piece of advice or alter their lifestyle when you shared it. But did you verify the accuracy of the article before pressing the “send” button?

We must learn to distinguish between information that is based on fact and that is not if we are to take good care of both our own health and the health of others. Afterward, only convey the truth.

Sharing knowledge from reliable sources is the simplest way to accomplish that.

  • The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are your best bets for the most recent, scientifically supported news on events affecting global health.
  • Websites from universities are frequently a wise choice. Just enter your health-related search term and the institution’s name. Some reliable ones include Harvard Health Blog, Johns Hopkins Medicine
  • The Ministry of Health is Singaporeans’ go-to source for the most recent health-related information, while HealthHub is a great resource for health articles, the most recent health events, and a helpful directory for health services across the nation.
  • Try sharing only YouTube videos from channels that create content based on reliable research when it comes to sharing videos from YouTube. Some of them include Kurzgesagt and TED-Ed.
What Can An Individual Do To Further Public Health All You Want To Know
What Can An Individual Do To Further Public Health? All You Want To Know

Some Misconceptions

Go To The Doctor Regularly

In general, you shouldn’t need to go to the doctor often if you’re in good health. However, you might need to go to the doctor for an annual health screening depending on your age, family history of disease, and lifestyle. Even if you don’t have any symptoms or signs of a condition, health screenings can help determine if you do.

Examples of typical health screenings include those for diabetes, breast cancer, colon cancer, and high blood pressure. If so, you might be able to begin managing and treating your condition earlier. To learn more about the kinds of screening you might need, talk to your doctor.

Eat Vitamins

Are multivitamins and mineral supplements really helpful for enhancing general health? This is yet another typical misunderstanding. According to studies, people who are generally healthy are not significantly impacted by vitamins.

However, doctors might advise taking specific vitamins to make up for any nutritional deficiencies in patients with certain medical conditions. Some conditions include anaemia, neuropathy and osteoporosis.

Do consult your doctor to determine whether you need to take vitamins. You might end up helping your wallet.

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Final Words

There are numerous ways for people to support public health, including participating in medical research, making donations, volunteering, and more.

The best strategy will vary from person to person, but we think there are ways for anyone to advance public health if they are inspired to do so. Making the world a better place only requires the desire to do so; it doesn’t require knowledge or money.