Healthy Topics

Do Weight Gain During Ovulation? Is It Normal?

Whenever a red tide rises, be prepared for all the pain and discomfort that comes with it. There was breast pain, headaches, cramps, and of course the occasional crying. You’ve accepted all of them, except for one thing: your weight gain. Most people don’t understand weight gain during ovulation. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss ovulation, the reasons for weight gain during ovulation, and the average weight gain during ovulation.

What Is Ovulation?

Ovulation is what happens when your egg is mature enough to fly to the ovary. Usually, this starts 14 days before you start your next menstrual cycle. Once your ovary releases an egg, it travels into your fallopian tubes, where it stays for 12 hours to a full day, waiting for fertilization. If there are no suitable sperm cells or enough people for the task, the egg changes position and moves toward the uterus. There, it disintegrated. During menstruation, your body sheds the remaining eggs along with the unused lining of the uterus. So what does all this have to do with weight gain?

What Causes Weight Gain During Ovulation?

Several factors contribute to weight gain during ovulation. This extra weight can be caused by:

Low Progesterone Levels

Progesterone is one of the hormones in a woman’s body that is responsible for menstruation and fertility. It prepares the lining of the uterus for conception. The body uses it, and during the first half of the menstrual cycle, it becomes lower. After the cycle is over, the hormones balance themselves out again.

In the presence of estrogen dominance, chronic low progesterone can lead to weight gain. When these two hormones are out of balance in the body, they tend to cause problems. As reported in Medical News Today, estrogen-dominant women report weight gain more frequently. In this case, affected women may experience difficulty sleeping, headaches, hair loss, cold hands and feet, and more.

Skip Training

Some of the troubling symptoms of ovulation – like mood swings, (severe) bloating and stomach pain – can make it less likely you’ll be exercising. Periods of inactivity or lack of exercise can lead to weight gain.

During ovulation, changes in progesterone and estrogen can lead to fatigue and a poor stamina attitude, which can make exercising more difficult.

Changes In Insulin Levels

Changes in insulin levels are another cause of weight gain during ovulation. Insulin regulates sugar levels in the blood. When in excess, weight gain occurs.

Basically, blood sugar management is done by insulin – it helps the body’s cells absorb glucose. Excess insulin causes the body to absorb more glucose. When this happens, the body automatically starts storing sugar for later use. All this storage happens in the body and it just leads to extra weight in the body.

Increased Appetite

Increased appetite is an important contributing factor. During ovulation, it’s not uncommon to suddenly find yourself eating more food than you used to. This is due to hormonal changes that occur during ovulation.

Research has shown that food cravings during ovulation are a bit different from those during pregnancy, for example, women tend to only crave foods that are high in calories and fat.

According to the BMC Nutrition Journal, weight gain occurs when you consume more calories and fat than your body needs to exercise.

When you find yourself craving lollipops and other sugary foods like chocolate and cake, you may find yourself gaining weight if you don’t exercise properly.

Notably, most of these foods are high in salt. Too much salt in the body can lead to water retention. When water is retained, it reflects your weight by adding weight.

Water Retention

During ovulation, your body retains more water. The excess water your body decides to retain during ovulation is called fluid retention and can lead to bloating and weight gain.

Research shows that water retention during ovulation is caused by hormonal changes that occur during ovulation.

There are other known causes of water retention during ovulation. These other causes include medication and underlying medical conditions.

Today, many women lead a sedentary lifestyle. If you’re one of many sedentary women, your lifestyle may be responsible for water retention during ovulation.

A sedentary lifestyle can help keep you hydrated and gain weight. When you spend a lot of time sitting every day, your tissues start to retain water. You’ll notice this when you notice swelling in your feet and ankles.

Symptoms Of Weight Gain During Ovulation

Appetite Changes

Premenstrual cravings for carbohydrates and sugars are brought on by changing hormone levels at the start of your period. As your period progresses and you start to feel more fatigued and moody, your body decides that it needs to eat frequently (which includes snacking) in order to maintain stable blood sugar levels and moods. Furthermore, progesterone and testosterone, which fluctuate during ovulation and may act as appetite stimulants, may cause you to feel the need to eat more than usual.

Low spirits can also be brought on by hormonal imbalance. Serotonin is released by the starchy and sweet sinful treats, causing you to feel happier and calmer. Therefore, don’t be too hard on yourself if you seem to be planning a self-destructive binge the next time your cycle arrives; it may just be your hormones.

Water Retention And Swelling

How about the water retention that contributes to weight gain? That’s right, your hormones’ erratic behavior may once more be the cause. The balance between fluid gain and loss is maintained by these hormones, which regulate your body’s processes. When the controls are not engaged, your tissues store more water than they should, leading to water retention and weight gain.

Your body may retain more water due to earlier estrogen, which will make you feel heavier. You may feel bloated and puffy, similar to a freshly whipped marshmallow, because your body is acting as a water reservoir during ovulation.

Is there any more hope, then?

What Causes Weight Gain During Ovulation?
Do Weight Gain During Ovulation

Treatments To Weight Gain During Ovulation

There is a ton you can do to stop and/or control your weight gain during ovulation, despite the fact that you can blame your wacky hormones. Here are a few of the most efficient and healthy ways to reduce those extra pounds while you’re on your period.

Eat A Healthful Diet

Denying your cravings will only make them stronger. Work at it instead the smarter way by swapping out those white bread, cakes, and cookies for complex carbohydrates. Because they take longer to digest, whole grains like brown rice and legumes as well as grain-like foods like quinoa and buckwheat can help you feel fuller for longer. Additionally, they give you a lot more energy, which can keep you going until your next meal and encourage you to stop snacking frequently.

Pop Some Supplements

Don’t undervalue the effectiveness of supplements in reducing belly fat.

B vitamins, Vitamin D, iron supplements, and magnesium may speed up your metabolism and assist you in overcoming weight gain during ovulation.

Your body’s capacity to transform proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into energy is strengthened by B vitamins like B12 and B6. The stabilization of blood sugar by vitamin D, on the other hand, may help to reduce cravings. Along with these, magnesium, which may lessen water retention, and iron, which transports oxygen to the muscles to burn fat, are also important.


Physical activity and R&R together make for a potently distressing combination. Exercise releases hormones that make you feel better and stop you from overeating in addition to burning calories. If menstrual cramps are cramping your exercise plan, try doing yoga stretches that can relieve abdominal pain, so you can quickly get back to your workout and lose those pounds.

It might seem counter-intuitive to take a break and have fun while on your period. But when you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll feel tired and crave sugar and unhealthy carbohydrates to give you more energy. But when you’re rested and at ease, your body may not be as focused on consuming energy-draining bad calories. You can improve your body’s capacity for self-healing and stress management by getting some R&R.

How Much Weight Do You Gain During Ovulation?

Weight gain during or around ovulation is common. Headaches, bloating, and weight gain during ovulation are considered normal. There is no fixed limit to the weight gain associated with ovulation. It is because of these factors that this extra weight varies from person to person. Still, experts warn women that the weight can go away quickly. So don’t worry.

Can I Keep My Weight Under Check During this Period?

If weight control during ovulation is your desire, then you are not asking for the impossible. Just follow the advice given by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Bob’s Uncle!

• Watch your diet

You can end food cravings by eating complex carbohydrates. Don’t stick to a few varieties, but expand the range. Eat calcium-rich foods regularly while reducing your intake of salt, fat, and sugar. When ovulation comes, stay away from alcohol.


Magnesium supplements are often recommended to help women curb bloating, mood swings, and breast tenderness during ovulation.

•medical treatment

Sometimes a doctor’s prescription is for an individual. The most common of these are diuretics, usually prescribed to women who have problems with water retention during ovulation. These diuretics help reduce the amount of water your body stores.


The importance of exercise in everyone’s life cannot be overemphasized. The thought of inactivity is dangerous in the life of anyone who chooses to be inactive. If you notice that your feet and ankles have started to swell, you know it’s probably due to your sedentary lifestyle; the first remedy is to sleep with your feet on a flat surface above your chest.

In a short period of time, the swelling in your feet will be treated.

You should also start going to the gym. Be sure to make time for exercise, at least three times a week. Choose the program that suits you best. If you’re not sure what works, you can hire a coach to help you. Doing this right can help you lose excess weight in a short period of time.

The Bottom Line

Why do I gain weight during ovulation? This may be due to low progesterone levels, changes in appetite, water retention, and changes in insulin levels. Often these changes are temporary and balance each other out over time. Do not take any steps to combat this weight, such as stopping medication without seeking medical help. As always, talk to your doctor before making changes to your diet and lifestyle.